The Summer-Shows-Are-Cancelled-I-Have-Loads-Of-Time Collection

The Summer-Shows-Are-Cancelled-I-Have-Loads-Of-Time Collection

Over the years I've found bits and pieces of this and that in old jewelry collections, garage sales, secondhand stores, thrift shops and my mom's basement (total fav!).  As I've collected these items I've said, "I don't know what I'm going to do with this, but someday it's going to find itself in some cool art."

GOOD NEWS!!  Someday has arrived.  With time on my hands, I'm creating art that isn't what I normally make.  It's a bit whimsical and different than my Diamor style.  It's still me but not.  Do artists use an alter ego for creating art out of their norm?  I'll consider it.

Anyway, stay tuned.  I'll be releasing these one-of-a-kind creations throughout the month.  Let me know what you think

1 comment

  • Artists often make what interests them. I have collected odds and ends also. Found object art has been part of
    my repertoire for years. My reading and research on Picasso got me interested in making art from found objects.
    Your work is solid. A FAN.

    Bob L Ragland

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